Rustu: Coronavirus was the toughest game of my life, stay at home

Rustu: Coronavirus was the toughest game of my life, stay at home

Rustu Reçber, ya en su domicilio, explica cómo vivió el positivo por coronavirus
Rustu Reçber, ya en su domicilio, explica cómo vivió el positivo por coronavirus / | EFE

The ex-Barcelona goalkeeper spoke about his experience with Covid-19

The former Barcelona goalkeeper Rustu Reçbar says his fight with coronavirus was the "most difficult game" of his life after recovering from the virus. 

Reçbar was in a critical condition in hospital before making a full recovery and being able to return home after testing positive for Covid-19. 

"I am slowly getting back to myself, my health is improving every day," he said. "My body is a little weak. I had to undergo some very intense treatment. 

"I am on the road to recovery now, though, and I can only thank God to be able to improve every day."  

He continued: "I will now have to spend another 15 days at home in quarantine. It was a difficult moment, it was one of the most difficult games of my life, but the worst has passed and I am finally back at home. Luckily I stopped smoking five years ago."

Reçbar also sent a message to anyone who still has doubts about the severity of coronavirus, which has been declared a pandemic after spreading across the globe. 

"This virus is really serious," he said. "You can't joke about it or hide from it. It's a threat to all of humanity. We have to stay at home and avoid unnecessary contact with other people. Listen to those that have experienced it first hand." 

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