Jose Mourinho doesn't enjoy the fact he's still unemployed

Jose Mourinho doesn't enjoy the fact he's still unemployed

 El entrenador portugués, que actualmente se encuentra sin equipo, no pudo evitar emocionarse durante una entrevista cuando recordó su etapa en los banquillos / | sport

"And now I stop, and instead of enjoying it (the free time), I can¿t really enjoy it," confessed Mourinho

Without a club since being sacked by Manchester United at the end of 2018, Jose Mourinho has admitted that he misses being in the dugout and doesn't enjoy his free time any more.

Mourinho is currently waiting for an offer which will ignite his passion to coach again.

"The moment I went to professional football was when I had the click," Mourinho told an English media channel. "Now, it's serious. It's serious stuff. It's been serious stuff until now. Now it's stopped and instead of enjoy it, I can't really enjoy it. I miss it."


In this video which has gone viral across social media, many players have offered messages of support for the Portuguese coach. "Legend. We miss you too. Come back soon mister," is what Cesc Fabregas wrote on Twitter.

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