This is what Koeman's first week at FC Barcelona will be like

This is what Koeman's first week at FC Barcelona will be like

Trincao y Pedri, los grandes alicientes del entrenamiento del Barça / | FC Barcelona

The Barcelona senior squad will return on Sunday to undergo PCR tests ahead of starting work on Monday

On Monday the first real week of Ronald Koeman's reign at FC Barcelona begins. After being officially presented last week and speaking to several players, the senior squad members who were involved in the Champions League will return to the city on Sunday.

So far the sessions have involved new signings and players who have returned from loan. On Sunday everyone will undergo fresh PCR tests for COVID-19 and then, should all of those results be negative, training starts the next day at 17:30 local time (31st August).

Until that date Rafinha, Oriol Busquets, Wague, Miranda, Pedri, Matheus Fernandes, Trincão, Braithwaite and Gustavo Maia will continue to build up their fitness levels.


Monday 24

  • 9.30: Training - Ciutat Esportiva 

Tuesday 25

  • 9.30: Training - Ciutat Esportiva 

Wednesday 26

  • Day off

Thursday 27

  • 9.30: Training - Ciutat Esportiva 

Friday 28

  • 9.30: Training - Ciutat Esportiva 

Saturday 29

  • Day off

Sunday 30

  • PCR Testing

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