The process which could end up with Valladolid being fined for their poor pitch

The process which could end up with Valladolid being fined for their poor pitch

El patatal del Nuevo Zorrilla le acarreará consecuencias al Valladolid
El patatal del Nuevo Zorrilla le acarreará consecuencias al Valladolid | EFE

According to the Audiovisual rule, it depends on the report produced by the 'director of the match and organising body

Over the last few days SPORT have explained the situation surrounding the grass at the Nuevo Jose Zorrilla stadium, Real Valladolid's specific circumstances, as well as the the ruling about the Audiovisual Retransmission Regulation from LaLiga itself, which began at the start of this 2018/19 season.

Minute after LaLiga chief, Javier Tebas, posted on Twitter about an immediate investigation into the state of the pitch at Valladolid, the league itself confirmed it in an official statement. "Following the end of the match an disiplinary investigation will be opened to find out why the playing surface at the stadium didn't meet the required conditions of this competition."

The question asked is: How do you fine someone in these type of situations? According to the Television Retransmission Regulation, particularly about the sanctioning system, any breach of the rules relating to the field of play are subject to economic sanctions.

The sanctioning is based on a points system where each infraction results with negative points being given to said teams who fail to adhere to the rules. The monetary value to reach negative point is established at the beginning of every season, although that's still to be determined for this season's competition. At the end of the campaign, the amount of points will be totalled up and the money raised from these fines will go towards improving the audiovisual retransmission.

the report from the match director is key

Without a doubt the sanctions depend heavily on the 'Match Director's' report. This is where any rule breaches will be registered. Some of the things which are considered when referring to the playing surface are: the length of the grass, the toughness of the ground, the temperature, the type of grass used, traction, the watering system used before the game and during half-time. It also includes a map of the person responsible for the areas where the grass isn't deemed good enough.

This report is forwarded on to both clubs and is also sent to the Organising Body of LaLiga. Furthermore in relation to the grass, the report includes a space where the two clubs must sign they received the report as well as any other observations they want added to it.

In the case of a breach of rules, as is this case, the clubs have 48 hours to present their arguments, including those from Barcelona, who publicly voiced their intention to file a complaint.

With all this information sent by the 'Match Director', as well as the arguments from both sides, this is when LaLiga's organising body will determine the economic sanctions.


According to the points system which is being produced by the Audiovisual Relegation, the problems when it comes to drainage is a single negative point. It's the same as deficiencies about the amount of grass, if the colour is right, the length of the grass and the markings, etc.

Another matter is when the report about the state of the playing surface and the person responsible for the grass, as revealed by SPORT last Friday, must be presented between 120 and 150 minutes before the match starts. Any failure in this regard will result in two negative points.

But as well with the grass report, the sanction could even become very serious if they abide by the Statutes of the league where it points in the part about disciplinary measures that a sanction could be deemed very serious "if the beach of the commercial rights are exploited by the audiovisual content" and it's clear that this exists in the Audiovisual Regulation.

We will need to see what decision the organising body takes but it appears clear that Valladolid be fined as a warning from LaLiga to improve their playing surface as soon as possible. 

Only in the case of the team repeatedly breaching the rule, and as mentioned by the Statutes, could very severe sanctions be handed down to the club in question.