Rubiales poised to resign in RFEF meeting Friday after Hermoso kiss

Rubiales poised to resign in RFEF meeting Friday after Hermoso kiss

| sport

The Extraordinary General Assembly to be held this Friday, starting at 12.00 noon, at the Ciudad del Fútbol in Las Rozas is set to be the stage on which Luis Rubiales will present his resignation as president of the RFEF. 

The current president has been badly affected and on the ropes by the avalanche of reactions of condemnation that have been triggered by the non-consensual kiss to the footballer Jennifer Hermoso after the World Cup victory, as well as other attitudes, such as touching his genitals in the stadium box of the final as a way of celebration.

It is even possible that this Assembly will not take place due to a lack of quorum, which would precipitate the decision even more. The presidents of the Territorial Federations have great weight in the RFEF and its decision making, and for Luis Rubiales to have their support was essential in order to stay in office, but he has been losing support to the point that some of these leaders will not attend the Assembly - the Basque Federation has already announced this - and others will turn their backs on him and not support him.

The final decision was triggered by three things: Jennifer Hermoso's communiqué calling for exemplary measures against Rubiales, the government's statements about his behaviour and the disciplinary proceedings opened by FIFA.

The executive, through the Consejo Superior de Deportes, has the power to refer the complaints on the table to the Tribunal Deportivo de Arbitraje (TAD), but it might not even be necessary if Luis Rubiales, as seems increasingly evident, steps aside and resigns.

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