The Florentino-Modric meeting has been delayed until Thursday

The Florentino-Modric meeting has been delayed until Thursday

El croata expresará al club su voluntad de irse
El croata expresará al club su voluntad de irse | sport

The Italian newspaper, Gazzetta dello Sport, say the meeting which was expected to take place today has been delayed

The meeting between Luka Modric and Real Madrid's president, Florentino Perez, will need to wait another 24 hours. According to 'La Gazzetta dello Sport', the meeting, which was supposed to take place today, has been delayed until Thursday.

The Italian press claim the Croatian midfielder will meet with Jose Angel Sanchez, Perez's right-hand man, but his intention is to have a private word with the president himself.

La Gazzetta insist Modric wants to join Inter Milan and that is what he's going to tell Florentino. At the moment, he's only expressed his true intentions to family members and his agents. It appears his desire to leave isn't related to money but rather the need to change scenery after winning all there is to win at Real Madrid. Like Cristiano Ronaldo, he's after a new challenge.