Solari responds to Asensio: Everyone must carry the team at Madrid

Solari responds to Asensio: Everyone must carry the team at Madrid

Solari respondió a Asensio en rueda de prensa / | PERFORM

The new Madrid manager was asked about Asensio's recent remark on Friday

New Real Madrid coach Santiago Solari has spoken for the first time since Marco Asensio's controversial comments. 

The Madrid midfielder spoke about the responsibility on his shoulders and announced that he shouldn't have to carry the team. 

Asked about Asensio's words, Solari said: "The only things the players say which interest me is what they say out on the pitch. That's what's important."

The Madrid boss added: "As for carrying the team, here at Real Madrid all of us carry the team -- from the fans to the president, directors, coaching staff, medical staff, players... each and every one of us who loves Real Madrid carries the team… Every has responsibility and a role to fullfil."

In this sense, asked about Asensio's role, the Argentine added: "It's the same as his teammates. Everyone has their own responsibility. The responsibility of the players is to speak on the pitch. Everyone has to demonstrate their value each time they touch the ball."