SER: Real Madrid don't want to chuck Raul or Pochettino in the deep end

SER: Real Madrid don't want to chuck Raul or Pochettino in the deep end

Florentino Pérez no tiene claro el Plan B
Florentino Pérez no tiene claro el Plan B | AFP

The club are losing confidence in Zidane but don't want the new coach in charge of cleaning out the squad

There are doubts at Real Madrid. According to the journalist Anton Meana on Cadena SER, the club are worried about the form of Zinedine Zidane's team. 

The directors at the club are beginning to think Zidane is not the solution to the problem but they're also not ready to give the job to Raul or Pochettino because they believe it would possibly receive a hostile reaction from the dressing room. 

Madrid know work needs to be done on the squad and feel that sacking Zidane with this group of players could be counter-productive and only create more tension. 

It's for that reason that the club don't want to ruin links with two possible future coaches by asking them to carry out huge changes within the squad. 

There's been a loss of confidence in Zidane at the club but they feel that if things don't improve season it should be the French coach that steps to the side. 

"No one at the club is capable of saying to me 'Zidane will turn this around for sure,'" explains Anton Meana. "Madrid are not in crisis but the atmosphere inside the club is very, very strange." 

Remember that defeat against Inter Milan in the Champions League after the international break would leave Madrid's European campaign hanging by a thread. 

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