Real Madrid put an anti-Sheikh clause in Isco's contract

Real Madrid put an anti-Sheikh clause in Isco's contract

Isco Alarcón se lleva las manos a la cabeza durante la final de la Champions 2016/17 entre el Real Madrid y la Juventus
Isco Alarcón se lleva las manos a la cabeza durante la final de la Champions 2016/17 entre el Real Madrid y la Juventus | EFE

Florentino Perez wants to keep Real Madrid's best players at the club

The muscle of PSG to take Neymar away from Barcelona played a part

Real Madrid are on the defensive. They saw how PSG turned up and paid 222 million euros for Barcelona's winger Neymar and now they are taking care to lock down their own stars.

According to As, they have agreed a new contract with Isco for four season with the option of a fifth and a salary of six million euros a year. However, on top of that, they have also put a release fee clause of 700 million euros in it.

Florentino Perez doesn't want a taste of his own medicine, after he previously went big to sign Figo, Bale, Zidane, Ronaldo, Beckham and so on. 

Isco's deal was also set to expire at the end of the coming season, so he would have been free to leave anywhere - including Barcelona.

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