Juve to move for Kovacic if Khedira signs for Liverpool

Juve to move for Kovacic if Khedira signs for Liverpool

Mateo Kovacic es un objetivo de la Juve, según el Corriere dello Sport
Mateo Kovacic es un objetivo de la Juve, según el Corriere dello Sport | sport

Khedira has expressed a desire to move to the Premier League

Corriere dello Sport have opened the door to a possible return to Italy for Real Madrid midfielder Mateo Kovacic, with Juventus tipped as his destination. 

According to reports in Italy, Serie A champions Juve will move for Kovacic in the event that Sami Khedira leaves the club for Liverpool this summer. 

Since Khedira suggested he would be keen to try something new, he has been strongly linked with a move to the Premier League. 

"I would like to win as many titles in as many leagues as possible," the German midfielder. "Of the big league, I am lacking England, given I have won things in Spain, Germany and Italy." 

Khedira added more directly: "The Premier League has always interested me. Winning a trophy there would complete my collection." 

According to the Italian media, Khedira has met with Juve officials to talk about an exit. After arriving for free from Real Madrid, the Turin-based club may be prepared to facilitate a move.