Isco says his dog named Messi is a Real Madrid fan

Isco says his dog named Messi is a Real Madrid fan

The Spain and Los Blancos midfielder explained that his dog has been a Madrid fan since birth

Real Madrid star Isco spoke to Cadena Cope about his dog. His dog named Messi. He has already joked on occasion about the name that was chosen more by his father and brother, but this time the midfielder claims that Messi is a dog with Madridista feelings. 

Isco said: "Messi is a dog with Madridista feelings. He's been a Madrid fan since he was born."

Isco also spoke about being whistled at the Santiago Bernabeu. "I hear the whistles and they hurt me, but if the Bernabeu has also whistled Cristiano, how could they not whistle everyone else?"

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