Gazzetta: Cristiano Ronaldo and Allegri spoke by phone Friday

Gazzetta: Cristiano Ronaldo and Allegri spoke by phone Friday

 Cristiano Ronaldo y el Real Madrid han llegado a un punto crítico por varios motivos / | sport

Juve would have to pay 100m to Madrid and give Ronaldo a four year deal

Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo and Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri spoke on the phone on Friday, according to La Gazzetta dello Sport.

The duo spoke cordially about the chance of the Portuguese forward heading to join the Old Lady after nine seasons at the Santiago Bernabeu, for a fee of 100 million euros.

Gazzetta say they spoke on Friday July 6 in the morning, when the Juventus coach was in Milan, ready to head to Turin to meet the president Andrea Agnelli. The call was organised by collaborator with Ronaldo's agent Jorge Mendes. 

Juve are waiting for Ronaldo to agree his Madrid exit before presenting their official offer to Los Blancos. Ronaldo would be offered a four year deal for 30m euros per season, making him the best paid player in Serie A.