Jorge Sampaoli's objective: Isolate the MSN trident

Jorge Sampaoli's objective: Isolate the MSN trident

The coach is looking for the formula to stop Barcelona's trident on Sunday night when they come calling at the Sanchez-Pizjuan

Jorge Sampaoli said on Saturday that his team's job is to isolate the MSN. After training on Saturday he took part in his press conference which he said saw his side take on "one of the best teams in the world despite the recent defeats". 

The coach revealed Nico Pareja will not be fit, while the club are hoping Samir Nasri can recover from a hamstring problem but it's not certain. "His intention is to play but the tests say the opposite," said Sampaoli, underlining that "his enthusiasm catches the attention". "He's fundamental, I hope he can play, it would be a plus," added Sampaoli. 

Regarding Barcelona's attack, Messi, Neymar and Suarez, he said his aim to "that the ball reaches them as little as possible" and that a win would be good for Sevilla's "self-esteem" and to "consolidate belief in our idea". 

He hailed Messi especially, saying "there should be two Ballon d'Ors, one for Messi and one for everyone else" and that there is "a large distance between Messi and normal players". It would be "an error to compare the incomparable".

"To stop Messi you have to defend with the ball and try to stop him having so much presence".

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