Out of shape and injured referees can operate VAR technology

Out of shape and injured referees can operate VAR technology

Los árbitros podrán ejercer de VAR aunque estén lesionados o no pasen las pruebas físicas
Los árbitros podrán ejercer de VAR aunque estén lesionados o no pasen las pruebas físicas | sport

The new rules have provided a route for some officials to stay in football

The arrival of VAR in Spanish football's provoked many changes, not just on the pitch but also off it. It's created a route of some referees to stay in the game. 

The new system means that officials who have failed fitness tests (and would therefore not be allowed to oversee games) or are injured can operate VAR -- as can referees who may have retired due to age, as is the case with Álvarez Izquierdo.

There had been some doubts over whether this would be the case but it has not been made clear in the new rules that out of shape, ageing or injured referees can sit in the VAR booth.