Spanish football enters phase 3: Barça allowed to train in groups of 10

Spanish football enters phase 3: Barça allowed to train in groups of 10

 El FC Barcelona ha entrenado en la mañana del sábado en su sexto entrenamiento de la semana / | sport

LaLiga have the OK from the Spanish government to move on to the next phase

Spanish clubs have been given the green light to move from individual training into group training, with the government allowing La Liga teams to train in groups of up to 10 players, bringing the restart of competition a little closer. 

The Boletín Oficial del Estado in Spain announced that clubs could move into phase 3 of 4 of La Liga's protocol (phase 4 will be a return to full training). That included teams, like Barcelona and Real Madrid, whose regions remain in phase 0 of the country's de-confinement plan. 

Barça returned to individual training last week following coronavirus testing the week before. They will not train in groups from Monday morning, at 9.30 am. 

The BOE laid out that: 

1. Sports clubs or Sports Public Limited Companies may carry out medium training sessions that will consist of exercising individualised tasks of a physical and technical nature, as well as conducting non-exhaustive tactical training sessions, in small groups of various athletes, up to a maximum 10, maintaining the prevention distances, two meters in general, and avoiding in any case, situations in which physical contact occurs. For this, they may use the facilities at their disposal, complying with the measures established by the health authorities.

2. If the quarantine training regime is chosen, the specific measures established for this type of training by the health authorities and the Higher Sports Council must be complied with. Both if the residence service is required as well as the opening of the restaurant and cafeteria services, the measures established in this order for this type of establishment must be complied with.

3. The performance of the training tasks will be carried out whenever possible in shifts, avoiding exceeding thirty percent of the capacity that the facility has for athletes, in order to maintain the minimum distances necessary for the protection of the health of athletes.

4. The technical personnel necessary for their development may attend the training sessions, for which they must maintain the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities. Said technical personnel will appoint a person in charge who will report the incidents to the coordinator of the sports entity.

5. The changing rooms may be used, respecting the provisions to that effect in the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.

6. The training sessions may not be attended by the media.

For this reason, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Order SND / 414/2020, and in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol of action back to the training of the LaLiga teams, all the clubs / SAD will be able from the 18th of May develop group training corresponding to Phase 3 up to a maximum of 10 players.

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