Pele depressed and hiding because of his health problems

Pele depressed and hiding because of his health problems

La leyenda carioca anotó el millar de goles el 19 de noviembre de 1969 / | Efe

The Brazilian's son explained what has happened to the legendary forward

Brazil legend Pele is not having a great time of it. His son Edinho spoke to GloboEsporte and said his father is depressed. Pele had prostate surgery in 2015.

"He is very sheepish, reclusive," his son Edinho said.  "Imagine, he's the King, he was always such an imposing figure and today he can't walk properly. He's embarrassed, he doesn't want to go out, be seen, or do practically anything that involves leaving the house.

"He's pretty fragile. He had a hip replacement and didn't have an adequate or ideal rehabilitation. So he has this problem with mobility and that has set off a kind of depression."

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