Why Lionel Messi was not asked about his contract renewal

Why Lionel Messi was not asked about his contract renewal

Adidas staff insisted on the “need for the player to be comfortable” but said that he had not asked to block any questions at the event

Leo Messi spoke on Thursday at an event to publicise his new boots, the Adidas Red Limit 16. However he did not speak about his contract renewal, a hot topic. 

‘We know what can be asked and what can’t, and in this case, as it’s a matter Messi prefers not to speak about in public, we thought it was better not to put him in a spot,” an Adidas source told SPORT to explain why the journalist in charge of the event did not ask him any questions about his future. 

Adidas staff insisted on the “need for the player to be comfortable” and said they took for granted that if Messi had been asked about his future (His contract ends in 2018) “he would have responded ‘I don’t want to talk about this’ and it would have been worse for everyone”. 

“We didn’t force him to come and try that once he’s here to make him as comfortable as possible. We know from a journalistic point of view there are questions that are more interesting, but we prefer not to get into that,” added the Adidas sources. 

However they also said that Messi has not imposed any limits on the questions asked. “Messi has not asked us to ensure he’s not asked one thing or another.”