Martin Braithwaite says Barça's training "only a third" of his workout

Martin Braithwaite says Barça's training "only a third" of his workout

Braithwaite, y los malabares con el balón / | braithwaite_no

The Danish striker's comments will raise more questions about the club's training

Barcelona forward Martin Braithwaite, who has been active on social media during the lockdown in Spain, has created potential controversy with comments about his training regime at home.  

At least that is what can be read into some comments which have appeared on the Twitter of El Chiringuito TV from an interview with DR Sport.

Braithwaite speaks about his optimism of returning to football and says he's ready to fight for his spot: "I see myself as a starter and as one of the top scorers in La Liga." The Danish international even says "when we return, I will explode," in a positive sense.

However, another phrase was less positive and has been taken advantage of to question the method of work and training at Can Barça. 

The striker added that "there's no one that trains and works as hard as me," and says that "Barça's training is only a third of what I do, I can do much more." 

Keeping in mind the controversy in recent months, with questions about the training at the club, Braithwaite's comments could open a new debate. 

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