Luis Suarez wants the Champions League

Luis Suarez wants the Champions League

Luis Suárez y Coutinho hablaron sobre la temporada del FC Barcelona / | FC Barcelona

The player spoke to the club's official channels about the game

The Champions League, after winning La Liga and reaching the Copa del Rey final, is Barcelona’s ambition. And Luis Suarez has told the club that it’s “a thorn in the side” that Barca need to pull out.

“After some years in which we didn’t get there, the Champions League semi-final has raised great expectations, the object in this final part of the season is clear,” said the Uruguayan striker.

“In the Champions League you cannot allow yourself not even a second of distraction. We know those 10 bad minutes we had against Manchester United and nearly paid a high price.

“The objective is the next game. Nothing can distract us from trying to be in the final. We have to have the best game of our season.

“After three years being knocked out we have a thorn in our side. We had to return and we are on a good track.

“Facing my own team will be special for me. One more motivation. I speak regularly with Henderson and for them it’s a special game too. I’m looking forward to returning to Anfield, they treated me with a lot of love, but now I belong myself to Barcelona.”

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