Luis Enrique on the Catalan derby: Players have to control emotions

Luis Enrique on the Catalan derby: Players have to control emotions

The Barcelona coach expects an intense game against Espanyol at Camp Nou on Sunday

Barcelona manager Luis Enrique said on Saturday that he hopes Sunday's Catalan derby at Camp Nou against Espanyol is played "within sporting parameters" and asked players on both teams to "control their emotions and set an example." 

Asked about the intensity of recent games against Espanyol, especially the heated ones earlier this year, the Barcelona coach said that "at the end of the day we're all professionals and sportsmen, but yes, they're special games for the players and it's important to know how to control your emotions and set an example for the fans." 

Luis Enrique praised Espanyol, especially their defensive system. "Both teams go into the game in good form, they're a solid team, they concede few goals and they are strong on the countrer-attack."

The coach added that he expects an "intense game" and promised that Barça will be true to their style. "Like always, we will try to play the same way, keeping the ball and looking  to generate danger." 

In addition, Luis Enrique recognised that the game against Espanyol, the last in La Liga this year "will be important because the only way we can put pressure on [Real Madrid] is by winning, so we need the points to put some pressure on."


The Barça boss also congratulated Luis suarez on his new contract, which runs until 2021. "Everythime a player renews contract, and there have been several this season, it's good news. It strengthens club and the players, who know they can continue to enjoy this football club."

In this sense, however, Luis Enrique didn't dare comment on how Suarez's renewal could lead to Lionel Messi's, too. "Messi is the man to ask about the second part of the question," the Asturian said. 

Luis Enrique also refused to talk about his own situation, with his contract up in the summer. "I have nothing to say about my renewal," he responded.  

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