Just 5,017 verified signatures more needed in Barça's vote of no confidence

Just 5,017 verified signatures more needed in Barça's vote of no confidence

Marc Duch, uno de los portavoces de la moción de censura, opinó que Bartomeu tiene que dimitir ya, por el bien del club. / | EFE

The target looks set to be met which raised an interesting question about Bartomeu's future

The validation of the signatures in the vote of no confidence against Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu has closed with almost half of the signatures checked. 

After a week, 12,864 signatures have been analysed and 11,503 have been verified. If 16,500 are verified, there will be a referendum on Bartomeu's future. 

Barça revealed the latest figures on Saturday: 

  • Signatures presented: 20.687
  • Signatures to be checked: 7.823
  • Signatures checked:  12.864
  • Valid signatures: 11.503
  • Void signatures: 554
  • Doubtful signatures: 96
  • Signatures in process: 711

None will be checked on Sunday so it will be Monday (Oct. 5) when the analysis of the signatures continues in the offices at Camp Nou. 

If the required total are verified, Barcelona socios will hold a referendum on Bartomeu's future, with two thirds having to vote against him for him to be removed from his position and elections called. 

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