Jeremy Mathieu is in Lisbon and expects Sporting move to go through

Jeremy Mathieu is in Lisbon and expects Sporting move to go through

Mathieu comenzará a entrenar con el Sporting este mismo lunes
Mathieu comenzará a entrenar con el Sporting este mismo lunes | sport

He arrived at midday on Sunday and will start training there from Monday

Mathieu is on a three week trial with the Portuguese side

Jeremy Mathieu arrived in Lisbon on midday Sunday. The French Barcelona defender has permission to train for three weeks with the Portuguese side, who will then decide whether to sign him or not.

Mathieu is expected to start training with Sporting on London. In Portugal they take his signing almost for granted. One of the reasons is that unlike Barcelona, Sporting never mentioned that Mathieu was coming as a trial, just that he was coming to train for a few days and that at the end of the period the three entities would take a decision about his future.

Another reasons is that he arrived in Lisbon with his agent, which makes it seem like a transfer is going to take place soon.