"I would like a squad that meets the requirements"

"I would like a squad that meets the requirements"

Valverde no tiene dudas sobre el papel de Messi en el equipo
Valverde no tiene dudas sobre el papel de Messi en el equipo | sport

Ernesto Valverde did not mention names when asked about reinforcements but it was clear who he was talking about

The manager ruled out Iniesta for the game against Betis, said it was too soon for Paulinho, and highlighted Paco Alcácer as Luis Suárez's replacement

Ernesto Valverde spoke to the press this afternoon and was clear about who would be playing tomorrow. He was, however, not so clear how the squad will look at the end of the transfer window. Valverde did not mention any names but did say that he wanted “squad that meets the requirements… I can’t say any more.

“I trust that everything will turn out well,” he said laconically, when asked about Coutinho and Dembélé and the activation of plan B. Valverde was however looking forward to the new season: “The most difficult and best challenge is always the one in front of you. I’m looking forward to starting the season, to face up to the problems we have to find a response to. Problems have to be faced up to”.

When asked what problems he was referring to, he specified “the absence of Luis Suárez”and “losing against our biggest rival. He also said the departure of Neymar “changes the script [I] had when I arrived”.

With regard to tomorrow’s game, Valverde was sure that “Betis will want to take the initiative. I don’t think they’ll sit back, they will be brave”. He explained that Iniesta is still injured and that the game will come too soon for Paulinho but admitted there was a possibility that Piqué might play.

On the replacement for Suárez he said “it could be Alcácer’s day”. He was not so clear when asked about the option of Messi as a false 9: “it’s a possibility, I’m considering everything”.

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