Gerard Pique: The Valladolid pitch was a disgrace

Gerard Pique: The Valladolid pitch was a disgrace

Piqué ha sido muy crítico con el estado del césped
Piqué ha sido muy crítico con el estado del césped | Afp

It was lamentable, said Pique, who believes there was a bad risk of injury

Gerard Pique blasted Valladolid's awful pitch at the Jose Zorrilla. The Barcelona defender said it was "shameful" and "lamentable". 

Asked about it, he continued: "Before (La Liga) sell their product outside Spain, we would do well to look first what we have here ,They want to take players to play in the United States, but the state of the grass here was a disgrace. Players were running the risk of injury. It was lamentable and I hope they investigate the matter."

On VAR, which correctly denied Valladolid a late equaliser, Pique said: "VAR confirmed, in the end, that it was not valid. The linesman raised his flag and VAR confirmed it."

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