Ex-Barça president Gaspart reiterates that Figo's move to Real Madrid was illegal

Ex-Barça president Gaspart reiterates that Figo's move to Real Madrid was illegal

Luis Figo cambió el FC Barcelona por el Real Madrid durante la presidencia de Joan Gaspart
Luis Figo cambió el FC Barcelona por el Real Madrid durante la presidencia de Joan Gaspart | sport

"When he told me what happened, I told him that it was breaking the rules, that it was a case for the courts to decide"

Joan Gaspart, who was the FC Barcelona president between 2000 and 2003, has once again spoken about Luis Figo's transfer to Real Madrid. 

"It was a masterstroke from Florentino but illegal," insists Gaspart. "It was a case we'd be certain to win in court but Figo was scared that they could reclaim the penalty his agent had signed in his name."

During this time Figo was in talks with Barça over a new deal but his agent, Jose Veiga, had made an agreement to take Figo to Real Madrid if Florentino Perez won the election. The agreement included a €3m fee if the player turned the move down.

"I offered him all the legal guarantees but he wasn't satisfied. He wanted a guarantee from La Caixa (Spanish bank)!" Gaspart said about Figo. "It was midnight, I'd just been named as president and I found myself with this. It couldn't be. It wasn't in any way, shape or form what I asked for." 

It was 20 years ago but Gaspart still feels betrayed by Figo. "Maybe we could have done more but it would have crushed the club's finances."

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