Determined Frenkie de Jong sunk by Espanyol red card

Determined Frenkie de Jong sunk by Espanyol red card

The Dutchman felt responsible for the draw but is determined, as always, to improve

Few players take their job more seriously than Frenkie de Jong. His perfectionism has stood out to staff and team-mates and he knows he messed up in the derby. He lost the ball in a dangerous zone and fouled his opponent, earning a red card. He knew it immediately, with his team-mates having to console him as he left the pitch. After the game De Jong was sunken, feeling responsible for the draw in Cornella. His first red card and he knows it could prove decisive in a bad way.

De Jong was sunk in the dressing room and received the love and support of his team-mates and the staff, despite what happened. The Dutchman is working hard to make sure it does not happen again and he knows he wasn’t at the right level against Espanyol in a high-voltage derby clash.

De Jong feels responsible, even though his team-mates would tell him he has exceptional quality, is a great team-mate and has adapted to the team and city perfectly.

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He has stood out for his technical quality and the staff love his touch, and how he moves the ball at a level only the best can manage. He also stands out for his analysis and cool head when taking decisions on the pitch. Until the derby he had not made a mistake. Along with Busquets he had the most precision in passing on the season.

De Jong has a special relationship with the analysts in the technical team as he asks them for a lot of information after and before games. He likes to be informed about the opponent and analyse the performances after the match. He watches a lot of videos and is never satisfied even after great games. He was like that at Ajax and has stayed the same at Barcelona.

Valverde and the staff think the red card was an accident and nothing has changed in their belief - De Jong will be a player who will mark an era at the club. The Dutchman has turned the page but will not forget his first red card. He will improve. It is his authentic obsession.

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