De Jong is grateful for the welcome he received from the Camp Nou

De Jong is grateful for the welcome he received from the Camp Nou

 El holandés se estrenó en el Camp Nou de la mejor manera / | @FCBarcelona

The Dutch midfielder was named as 'MVP' but was critical of his and the team's performance

Frenkie De Jong was one of the star attractions at the Gamper match against Arsenal and was even named as 'Man of the Match' on his Camp Nou debut.

A few hours later and the young Dutch star thanked the fans for their support on social media. Here is his tweet.

With Lionel Messi unavailable and Luis Suarez only ready for a brief outing, the fans reserved a lot of their support for de Jong who is expected to revolutionise the midfield at the Camp Nou this season.

His growing maturity, even after a short time at the club, was clear to see by his own comments following the contest. "I could do a lot better and so could the team," is what he said despite the victory over Arsenal.

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