Barcelona's opinion on midfielder Ivan Rakitic's contract renewal

Barcelona's opinion on midfielder Ivan Rakitic's contract renewal

Rakitic espera una mejora de contrato
Rakitic espera una mejora de contrato | sport

The Croatian has been hoping for a new deal for a number of months

Barcelona vice president Jordi Mestre has given an interview to Sky Sport in which, among other things, he has spoken about Ivan Rakitic's contract renewal. 

For months, the Barça midfielder's been waiting for a call from the club to sit down and talk about new terms. However, it's not happened yet. Despite that, Rakitic remains calm, but there is some uncertainty around his future at Camp Nou with new midfielders coming in this summer. 

Mestre said: "Rakitic has a contract, we renewed it last year. He is a great player, really important in the squad and a sensational person. We're delighted with him"

The vice president also spoke about other midfielders on the market, like Paul Pogba and Eden Hazard, but didn't suggest Barça would move for either. 

"Everyone likes Pogba but that's not to say that all the players we like come to Barcelona," Mestre added. "I like a lot of players. You can't dispute Pogba's quality, or that of other players like Salah or Hazard. They're top players. 

"But not all top quality players and players that I like come to Barcelona. What we have to do is be happy with those that we do have at the club." 

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