Barcelona defender Gerard Pique back behind the wheel again

Barcelona defender Gerard Pique back behind the wheel again

 El central fue pillado por la Guardia Urbana este verano / | Atlas

The centre-back's ban is over and he is driving once more

Gerard Pique seems to have moved on from his latest incident with the Guardia Urbana in Barcelona. The Barça centre-back has been seen back driving his vehicle as normal, something he's not been able to do since he was banned from driving last November. 

The footballer, after spending the morning visiting children in the Hospital de Nens in Barcelona, was back behind the wheel as he left Camp Nou, where he'd parked his Audi after Friday's training session at the Mini Estadi. 

The images of Pique driving as normal confirm that he's now seen out the ban which prohibited from driving in November, which also came with a fine of 48,000 euros. 

Pique's ban was handed to him on Nov. 26 following an incident in the summer, when he was caught driving around the Catalan city without any points on his driving licence. 

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