Andres Iniesta will receive a cross of Royal Order for Sporting Merit

Andres Iniesta will receive a cross of Royal Order for Sporting Merit

Iniesta, tras conquistar la Liga en Riazor
Iniesta, tras conquistar la Liga en Riazor | sport

It is the highest honour that the Spanish government can give in the area of sport.

Se trata de la máxima distinción que otorga el Gobierno español en el ámbito del deporte

The Spanish board of ministries will present the Cross of Royal Order for Sporting Merit to Barcelona captain Andres Iniesta on Friday.

Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, Spain's minister for Education, Culture and Sport, will propose this distinction via the sports ministry. It is the highest honour that the Spanish government can give in the area of sport.

Iniesta, who scored the goal which won the World Cup for Spain in South Africa, announced last week that he is leaving FC Barcelona at the end of the season after 16 trophy-filled seasons at Camp Nou.