Zidane will only accept a return to Madrid in June

Zidane will only accept a return to Madrid in June

’Jugones’: Zidane solo aceptaría volver al Real Madrid en junio / | LA SEXTA

Jugones programme revealed that Madrid want the French coach back

Although there are lots of rumours about Jose Mourinho returning to Real Madrid, there is another return being discussed too - Zinedine Zidane. Jugones on TV channel La Sexta  say that Madrid have asked the coach to come back and take over again in the coming days.

However Zidane says that he has no intention of coming back now, but would from June onwards.

Florentino Perez wants Zidane to come back to end the team’s current crisis and start working on the next sporting project.

Josep Pedrerol analysed the return of Zidane, saying “Madrid’s squad is broken. The players don’t believe in Solari and the club has to take measures now. They cannot wait until the end of the season, the disaster could get bigger. Solari has many players who are not connected. How can he ask Bale to sort things out? How can he ask for sacrifice from Isco, Marcelo, Asensio, Mariano, Brahim?

“Solari has played three games in a row with the same players. Just one change. Consequences… Lucas injured, Vinicius injured. Conclusion: Solari is done. It’s over. He’s history. Now it’s up to Florentino.

“Florentino must act. He has to kick a lot of them out. The first, Bale. Out. Bale can go and go play golf in Wales and then he must choose a true coach for Madrid.

“Mourinho or Zidane. The two options Madrid are looking at I like. Zidane is a legend. His return would be great news. The alternative is Mourinho. If he coms back… some people should get prepared.”