Madrid president Florentino Perez's incredible gesture with Reyes son

Madrid president Florentino Perez's incredible gesture with Reyes son

 Muere José Antonio Reyes en un accidente de tráfico a los 35 años / | sport

Florentino will take care of the young footballer until he is 18

The tragic accident which took the life of Jose Antonio Reyes has left a broken family behind. To the emotional letter written by his wife saying goodbye can also be added a son of 11 years who has been left without a father. José Antonio Reyes López, who also used social media to say farewell, signed for Real Madrid a few days before the incident, a club which his dad also played for earlier in his career. 

Cristobal Soria has revealed on 'El Chiringuito' an important gesture since made by Florentino Perez towards Reyes' son. The Real Madrid president confessed to Soria that he was going to look out for the kid until he turns 18. "Don't worry at all about the boy, I will take care of him," Perez said to Soria in person. An incredible gesture from Perez which may -- however small -- help the young footballer as he deals with the death of his father.