Dani Ceballos hits out at media over reported dispute with Zidane

Dani Ceballos hits out at media over reported dispute with Zidane

Ceballos se ha defendido a través de Twitter
Ceballos se ha defendido a través de Twitter | AFP

The Real Madrid midfielder wanted to put the record straight

Dani Ceballos has responded to reports claiming he told Real Madrid coach, Zinedine Zidane, he didn't want to play under him. 

Zidane is not thought to count on Ceballos for next season and it's been claimed the midfielder told the French coach that he was not keen on working with him again, either. 

However, the former Real Betis man, currently with Spain U21s at the European Championships, has taken to Twitter to deny that is the case. 

"I want to explain, given the information reported in some media outlets that I prefer not to mention, that at no moment have I made public any private conversation with any member of the coaching staff at Real Madrid," he said. 

"Additionally, I STRONGLY DENY the quotes attributed to me. I think it lacks professionalism and is way out of place for this type of false news to be published. 

"Especially considering we're working hard and fighting at an international tournament as important as the European Championships with Spain U21s."