Achraf on Neymar: There's space for the biggest stars at Madrid

Achraf on Neymar: There's space for the biggest stars at Madrid

Achraf, jugador del Real Madrid
Achraf, jugador del Real Madrid | sport

The Moroccan defender also spoke about the Champions League final

Achraf Hakimi, Real Madrid's Moroccan defender, was asked about Neymar joining the team next season and he said "all the best players in the world have a place at Real Madrid."

Speaking online on Instagram to celebrate getting a million followers, he said he was 'happy and forunate' to be able to share a dressing room with great footballers, making his 'big dream' come true.

"I worked a lot to get to where I am, any player has to put in a lot of sacrifice to get to the elite," he explained. 


On the final of the Champions League, against Liverpool, Hakimi said: "Liverpool are a great finalist, but we knocked out big teams to get to Kiev deservedly. It will be a beautiful final and a difficult game.

"We are working very hard every day to arrive at Kiev well and make Madridismo as happy as possible."

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