Xavi earns a victory to calm things down

Xavi earns a victory to calm things down

Lluís Mascaró

Director de Información Deportiva de Prensa Ibérica


Barcelona tried to be Barcelona again. They tried to recover the identity they never should have lost and find their footballing style again. It’s that simple. Or that complicated. Depends how you look at it. They have a coach who believes firmly that the model is not something you can renounce. Xavi has applied common sense and gone back to the club’s origins. Faith in Barcelona DNA is the only way to rebuild the club on the pitch and in the offices. The new trident is Laporta, Xavi and Jordi Cruyff and they must follow the route towards Barcelona’s resurrection.

On Saturday against Espanyol, the new Barcelona took their first steps towards transformation. In not even two weeks he’s given hope to the players and the fans. The game they played is still far, very far, from what Xavi wants. But there is a change. Subtle, yes. There’s not been time for more. And the many absences for injury are conditioning everything. But this is the way. Look where we’re coming from.

The new Barcelona earned what will be a calming victory against Espanyol. A hard-working one with various moments of fortune. A more than doubtful penalty and two posts from RDT. They played good football, not exceptional, during the first half hour against an ultra-defensive Espanyol and worsened as the minutes went on, and nerves kicked in. They suffered a lot at the end but got three points essential to start the come back. This was a truly essential victory. And they did it.

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