Xhaka on Russia knocking out Spain, and Sweden's cunning strategy

Xhaka on Russia knocking out Spain, and Sweden's cunning strategy

Xhaka no se mordió la lengua en sala de prensa
Xhaka no se mordió la lengua en sala de prensa | sport

The Arsenal midfielder will be targeted by Sweden during the World Cup clash

Granit Xhaka spoke ahead of Switzerland's last 16 World Cup clash with Sweden on Tuesday in St Petersburg. Here are his key quotes.

On Sweden trying to get him sent off: "Well, this is not my first match, you know. Of course, I understand, my friends have been telling me about what the player (Mikael Lustig) said. It's no problem for me. It’s about pre-match provocations, no problem at all. I think I've learned a quite few things in my playing career. I'm quite confident that I'm not being squeezed out of the game by them. Quite possibly I'll be staying all the way to the end on the pitch and this is my objective, of course.

Teamwork vs stars: "I don’t think that Russia has better individual players than Spain has. What we have seen are some teams who are very uniform in terms of how they gel, how they play together. In Croatia's play we have seen how that is. If you are not a consistent team, no matter what players you have, got you are not going to win. Therefore, no matter what happens tomorrow, we have to appear as a team whether we are leading or we fall behind."