Official: Claudia Pina renews her Barcelona contract until 2026

Official: Claudia Pina renews her Barcelona contract until 2026

| sport

The young forward has extended her stay at the Catalan club

It's official. Claudia Pina will be a Barcelona player until, at least, 2026. The home-grown player has signed her renewal with Barça, as SPORT earlier revealed, for three more seasons.

Pina could not hide her excitement after signing: "Barça has been my whole life, I've always been a 'culé'. It shows. I have very strong feelings for the club and I hope to stay here for many more years.

"The challenge is to try to grow even more, to continue to contribute as much as possible and to help in every game as much as I can."

Pina is the second canterana who was due to finish her contract this year who has sealed her continuity, after Jana Fernàndez. Only Bruna Vilamala remains.

The club's commitment to the youth system is firm and also the model to follow: a structural base of home-grown players and the signing of players who can make a difference.

The player from Montcada has become an essential part of Jonatan Giráldez's squad since returning from a loan spell at Sevilla.

Both on and off the pitch, Pina has experienced exponential growth and has become one of the players with the most impact in the final third.

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