Seung Woo Lee is in Verona ahead of switch from Barça

Seung Woo Lee is in Verona ahead of switch from Barça

Lee y su hermano momentos antes de tomar el avión hacia Venecia
Lee y su hermano momentos antes de tomar el avión hacia Venecia | sport

Lee travelled on Wednesday morning to the Italian city

He could be presented as soon as Thursday by his new club

Save any late surprises, Seung Woo Lee is in his final hours as a Barcelona player. Considered for a long time the academy's biggest star, the FIFA santions and some decisions which have been difficult to understand have converted him into a player the club are willing to lose. In addition, his non-EU status has also helped him cement a place in Barça's B team. 

On Wednesday morning, Lee, accompanied by his parents and his brother, flew from Barcelona to Venice. From there, he made his way to Verona. In the afternoon he underwent a medical with Hellas Verona and if everything went as planned, the Italian club hope to present him on Thursday as their latest summer signing. 

Even though neither club has made anything official yet, Lee's expected to sign for four years and Barça will have an option to re-sign him for the first two years. The Italian media have suggested Verona will pay 1.5 million euros for the highly-rated Korean youngster.