Sergio Aguero announces he will return to Independiente

Sergio Aguero announces he will return to Independiente

Agüero, en la imagen con Messi, ya piensa en su regreso al fútbol argentino
Agüero, en la imagen con Messi, ya piensa en su regreso al fútbol argentino | sport

Kun says in 2019 he will head back to Argentina

A legend at Manchester City, he recently became the club's top scorer

Sergio Aguero has started counting the days before he can go home. Kun, with the Argentina national team, says his idea is to go back to Independiente when his contract with Manchester City ends. 

That will happen in June 2019 and it seems he will not try and extend his time in the Premier League, but head back home. In a conversation with TyC Sports, Aguero said: "It came out that Milan and Real Madrid wanted me. I don't know where I read that it said 'He took the hope away from Independiente', I asked who put that... My idea was always to go abck to Independiente when my contract with City ends."

Man City's top goalscorer ever, Aguero left Independiente in 2006, just turned 18, signing for Atletico Madraid who paid 21 million euros for him.

Now in his 12th season in Europe, the seventh at Man City, who signed him for 36 million euros in 2011, Kun, 29, is starting to think about the Argentine game.

"I follow it a lot," he said from Moscow, explaining that his current club "has priority, an option to renew, but the idea that I have is still going back."