The Messis (without Messi) visit the Fabregas family

The Messis (without Messi) visit the Fabregas family

Thiago Messi y Lia Fàbregas, en Hyde Park
Thiago Messi y Lia Fàbregas, en Hyde Park | Instagram

Antonela and the kids headed to London

The famous Cipriani restaurant and Hyde Park were two stops

Lionel Messi's wife Antonella Rocuzzo took advantage of Messi's absence with the Argentine national team to pay a visit to some good friends. Accompanied by Thiago and Mateo, their children, flew to London to meet the Cesc Fabregas family over the weekend. 

Antonela and Fabregas' partner Daniella Semaan have a long friendship and often hang out. They headed to Hyde Park to see the ducks and then ate in the restaurant Cipriani.

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