Arturo Vidal's long-lasting hatred towards Real Madrid

Arturo Vidal's long-lasting hatred towards Real Madrid

Son famosos los duelos de Arturo Vidal con el Real Madrid
Son famosos los duelos de Arturo Vidal con el Real Madrid | sport

Barça's Chilean midfielder has never hidden his dislike for Real Madrid over the years

Barcelona midfielder Arturo Vidal will face off against Real Madrid once again on Sunday, a side he has a long history with. Vidal has never hidden his dislike for the Spanish giants and what he believes has been favouritism shown to Madrid in certain matches, particuarly in Europe. And he doesn't have to be involved to make his opinion heard. Vidal famously said with "With VAR, Bayern would've won two more Champions Leagues" in reference to key decisions going against his then side, Bayern Munich.

The hatred towards Madrid began during his time at Bayern. Vidal signed for German side in 2015 and came up against Real Madrid in the Champions League. He witnessed two defeats, two controversial defeats, and that's when he reacted by saying: "Two offside goals. Casemiro wasn't sent off when he should've been gone before me. When they steal a match this way it's too big (to ignore). You notice it a lot. It was very ugly. This robbery can't happen in the Champions League."

more complaints

His arguments against Madrid didn't stop there as he also complained when Juventus were eliminated by Real Madrid last season. It was controversial due to a penalty awarded to Madrid when Benatia was adjudged to have fouled Lucas Vazquez. "No, it wasn't a penalty. It's happening again."

And there's more. He also called Madrid "rats" after they eliminated Bayern in the Champions League. "Another penalty, shit..."

his words

Here are all his outbursts in order:

after being eliminated in the Champions league 2016 / 2017:

  • "Two offside goals. Casemiro wasn't sent off when he should've been off before me. When they steal a match this way it's too big (to ignore). You notice it a lot. It was very ugly."
  • "It makes you angry. They get so much wrong. The referee is the reason why we're out of the Champions League, not Real Madrid."
  • "This robbery can't happen in the Champions League. It happens a lot and I'm beginning to have my doubts." 

quarter finals Champions league 2017 / 2018 Real Madrid - Juventus:

  •  "No, I didn't do anything! It's happening again."

draw for semi-finals of the Champions League 2017 / 2018:

  • "Now is the time! Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Semi-final of the Champions League 2017 / 2018:

"Rats. Another penalty, shit..."

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