What's a photograph of Lionel Messi doing at Manchester United?

What's a photograph of Lionel Messi doing at Manchester United?

Messi, un modelo a seguir en el United
Messi, un modelo a seguir en el United | EFE

The Barcelona star is used as an example of humility

Manchester United is one of Cristiano Ronaldo's homes. But it's not the Portugal star who has been chosen as a role model for the youngsters at the club's academy. 

The opposite. The role model chosen is none other than Ronaldo's main rival, Lionel Messi. The Times have revealed that a dressing room at United's academy carries a photograph of the Barcelona man to remind the kids to stay humble. 

In the photograph, Messi is pictured cleaning his boots atfer a game between Argentina and Croatia at West Ham's Upton Park in 2014. 

Pie de foto | AUTOR FOTO

The intention is to show the players that the best player in the world his humble enough to clean his dirty boots after a game. 

In England, it's tradition for the players in the academy to clean the first team's boots and the image of Messi had a great impact on players like Scott McTominay, the Scotland international who has broken into the United team this season.