Valverde on how Arthur's career has really kicked on in Barcelona

Valverde on how Arthur's career has really kicked on in Barcelona

 El ’Txingurri’ valoró el actual estado físico del jugador brasileño en su primera temporada con el FC Barcelona / | Marta Fernández

The Brazilian has made himself essential in his first season in Spain

Ernesto Valverde appeared in a press conference on Monday ahead of Tuesday's game against Alaves. He was asked about Brazilian Arthur Melo's first season at the club, which led to praise for the midfielder. 

Valverde explained that Arthur's been a success because of his virtues as a player: "He has done well because he's a player with characteristics that fit well with club's style. Maybe it would have been more difficult fo rhim at other team, but he started very well and he's having a great season."

Despite that, the coach added that "we're seeing the effects of that effort because he wasn't too many games in Brazil and now he's playing quite a few. He is also with the Brazil team now, which brings long trips." And Calverde concluded that Arthur's "career has really kicked on here and we still expect a lot of things from him in the future."