Valverde insists that he has no preference between Coutinho and Dembele

Valverde insists that he has no preference between Coutinho and Dembele

Valverde insiste en que ni Coutinho ni Dembélé están por encima uno de otro / | Marta Fernández

Dembele's back from an injury and competition for places is fierce

Ernesto Valverde's starting to get tired about the questions regarding Ousmane Dembele and Philippe Coutinho and, above all, the comments made by his No.2, Jon Aspiazu, who said earlier this season that the Frenchman had edged ahead of the Brazilian. 

"It's always equal between all the players we have because they are all very good players," Valverde stressed. "No one [has been] ahead of anyone at any point of the season. The only thing that's happened is there are moments when some players play and others don't.

"But that happens not just in Barcelona. It happens in all teams in the world. Each player has to earn his place and find his best possible form. In this case, sometimes Dembele plays, sometimes Coutinho plays and sometimes they both play." 

On Dembele, recently back from a hamstring problem, he added: "The other day [against Sociedad] was his second game back in La Liga. The idea is he keeps getting his form back, because you're never the same after an injury as before.

"You always need games to find your place. He's a player that adds speed, trickery, finds space and is good one on one."