The party is over as Barcelona's players return to training

The party is over as Barcelona's players return to training

Messi participa en el rondo del entrenamiento
 Messi participa en el rondo del entrenamiento / | sport

Barça began to think about Liverpool on Monday after winning La Liga at the weekend

Barcelona returned to training on Monday after celebrating their fourth Spanish league title in the last five years over the weekend. 

The players enjoyed the moment with their fans after the game, continued the party in the dressing room and then dined together near the beach until the early hours of Sunday morning. 

That's where the party ended, though, and after being given Sunday off they were back in on Monday with Liverpool's visit to Camp Nou on Wednesday in mind. 

Coach Ernesto Valverde had all his players in with the only exception being Rafinah, who's out with a knee injury until next season. 

The players trained with their minds fully on the Champions League semifinal first leg against the Reds. La Liga has now been parked and Valverde's side are focused on winning the treble. 

Rotations over the last week against Alaves and Levante -- Messi was on the bench for both games -- mean the players should arrive fresh for the vital tie.