Spanish youngsters say Lionel Messi would be the perfect boss

Spanish youngsters say Lionel Messi would be the perfect boss

Messi ayudará a visibilizar la enfermedad rara de distrofia muscular del gen FHL1 / | @FHL1internacio1

In a survey by Adecco, 4-16 year olds said they wanted the Argentine star as their boss

Spanish children would love to have Lionel Messi as their boss. Four other sportstars were named in the top 10 of a survey held by Adecco. 1,800 children between the ages of 4 and 16 completed the survey.

The Barcelona striker was named as the ideal boss by 21.9% of children, up one place from last year's rankings. Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't appear after he moved to Juventus.

Rafa Nadal (6.8%) is the only sportsperson who appears in both the boys and girls list.

Atletico Madrid's Diego Costa (6.3%) also makes the list, as does Isco (3.7%).

These results were part of an annual survery titled: "What do you want to be when you're older?" by Addeco. The top result for that question was a footballer (25.1%) for boys, with a teacher (19.9%) being the top answer for girls.

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