Sevilla defender Clement Lenglet responds to Barcelona interest

Sevilla defender Clement Lenglet responds to Barcelona interest

Clement Lenglet, defensa central del Sevilla
Clement Lenglet, defensa central del Sevilla | Sevilla CF

Lenglet recognises Barça are a "top" club but says Sevilla are as well

However, he does not close the door on a move to Camp Nou one day

Sevilla defender Clement Lenglet has spoken about Barcelona's interest in signing him. The French centre-back revealed his admiration for the Catalan club while also maintaining his respect towards his current employers. 

In quotes given to Sevilla's YouTube channel, Lenglet explained: "Barcelona? They're a great team, but Sevilla are, too, and I am happy here. We will see what happens in the future, but I am focused on La Liga and the Champions League here. I feel adapted, I'm trying to speak Spanish, the city is incredible and I am happy with the minutes I'm getting and the games I am playing." 


Lenglet, who arrived at Sevilla in January, scored his first goals for the club this season against Espanyol and Spartak. "I'm not a specialist, but I work hard in the week to do damage from corners and things have gone well. Those two goals were important. I have to continue like that and score more because the top centre-backs, like Sergio Ramos, score a lot of goals." 

The French defender, who's been followed by Barça since he was 16, denied there are any problems behind the scenes in Seville: "The dressing room is good. There was a bad week with three losses, but we picked ourselves up and won three games in a row with courage and desire. I think the game against Barça was special because they're a tough team to play, especially at their ground, but we're all working hard to improve." 


Lenglet spoke about teammate Steven Nzonzi's call-up to the France squad: "I am happy for him, he's deserved it for a while. It could have happened a year ago, but there are a lot of good players in France. I'm delighted he's called up and I am going to work hard to follow him." 

Here is the interview: