Paco Alcacer: I am happy to have scored but more happy to win

Paco Alcacer: I am happy to have scored but more happy to win

Paco Alcácer marcó con un remate de cabeza
Paco Alcácer marcó con un remate de cabeza | sport

He said the B team players' presence was motivation for the others

The game in Murcia was won 3-0 and he scored a header

Practically unused in the league and Champions League, the Copa del Rey was a good chance for Paco Alcacer to get his season underway. He scored a header and was happy.

"It's good to play and help the team with goals. I'm happy to have scored but more happy to have won."

Alcacer added: "It was a tricky game with Murcia knowing how to play us well, especially on the counter. They are strong team at the back and were well organised. After we scored in the first half, in the second they left us more space."

Alcacer liked the B team players' presence. "it's good that the B team players come and give 100 per cent because this motivates us too."