Newcastle still in hunt for Barcelona winger Raphinha

Newcastle still in hunt for Barcelona winger Raphinha

| sport

Newcastle continue to insist on signing Raphinha, convinced that they will end up having a chance to get him due to Barça's need to sell. The English club has already taken a position with the Blaugrana club and would be willing to pay a figure that would leave an interesting profit for the salary limit, but the operation is frozen. Bayern are also interested, but their chances are low.

Newcastle already made a first approach to Barça a month ago asking for Raphinha and the Blaugrana did not shut the door, but asked for time. Barca's idea has always been to put on the market other players like Ansu, Ferrán or Kessié first, convinced that they would formalise a departure before June 30, but it has been complicated because the players are reluctant to leave.

The English club has insisted on exploring negotiations despite knowing that the player prefers to stay at Barça. Their economic offer could end up convincing him and the fact of playing in the Champions League in a project that is growing is also attractive in a sporting sense. For now, Raphinha has remained firm in his stance of staying, but Barça have not yet decided.

The only thing that is clear at Barca is that Raphinha could only leave for an offer big enough to leave a profit and collaborate in the plan to be able to incorporate players. And that figure is clearly above 80 million euros because the Brazilian arrived for 58 million euros plus seven million euros in objectives. In fact, he was the most expensive signing of last season.

Xavi Hernandez has always wanted to keep Raphinha and even more so now that Leo Messi has not been able to return to the Blaugrana. It's true that the Brazilian is behind Dembélé in the pecking order, but he sees him as a player with the ability to improve. Another thing is that the need may make it necessary for him to leave for the good of the project and because of the blockage that exists at the moment in sales.

The club's new sporting director, Deco, who is still Raphinha's representative, has stated in the first planning meetings that he is absolutely in favour of the winger's continuity, but has opened the door to forcing his departure if absolutely necessary. And it is in that need that Newcastle are insisting on getting a player who in the Premier League has a lot of poster in the Premier League.

Everything is still open and the final decision will be in the hands of Barça and Raphinha himself. The club is going to put pressure on the players who are transferable and next week will be a tough week trying to make them see reason. From then on it will be decided because we can't wait much longer. The club needs revenue and savings to sign up and the viability plan makes it clear that sales of more than 100 million must be made.

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