Messi blasts Barcelona for "crazy" Luis Suarez transfer to Atletico

Messi blasts Barcelona for "crazy" Luis Suarez transfer to Atletico

The Barça captain can't understand how the club let Suarez leave for nothing

Leo Messi didn't hold back in his interview with Jordi Evole on La Sexta when he was asked about Luis Suarez's free transfer to Atletico Madrid.

"I had decided to leave before that but the Luis Suarez thing seemed crazy to me, how they did, how he left," Messi said.

"He went for free, paying his contract up... and to a team that's fighting for the same things as us!"

Suarez, Messi's friend and teammate at Barça, has left the Argentina isolated at the club but he says he's getting used to his new surroundings.

"I struggled to adapt at first after what happened with the dressing room (and players leaving)," Messi added.

"There are a of new players, youngsters, not many from the club and that means different cultures, so it's more difficult to unite a dressing room. But little by little we're getting there."


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